Training and Professional Development

  • 5/8 How Can We More Inclusively Mentor?

    Roundtable: How can we more inclusively mentor beginner undergraduate researchers? 
    Monday, May 8, from 12:00-1pm  
    Presenters: Renée (Gilberti) Trueman, Rachel Prunier, Tina Huey 
    Online link will be sent to registered participants 

    Would you like to invest some time thinking about how to support undergraduate researchers, and converse with other faculty and staff who do this? Whether you have undergraduate students in your research group or you assign a research project in a class, please come share your perspectives in an informal conversation hosted by: 

    Renée Trueman PhD (CAPS Research/McNair Scholars Program Coordinator), Tina Huey, PhD (Associate Director of Faculty Development, CETL and Adjunct Faculty, Department of English), and Rachel Prunier, PhD (Director for Teaching and Learning in the Life and Physical Sciences, CETL & CLAS). 

    In this highly interactive session, we propose discussing: 

    1. What are the barriers undergraduate students encounter? What does the CAPS/McNair office do to help students through developmental steps to thrive in research? 

    1. What are your strategies to help undergraduates acclimate to being part of a research group? 

    1. What are your ideas for helping undergraduates understand research processes and disciplinary ways of thinking? 

    1. What are the skillsets you expect students to have when they begin with your group? 

    1. How do you encourage the development of skills and a spirit of inquiry? 

    1. What ideas do you have that can be incorporated in the CAPS/McNair Program’s year-round curriculum to enhance the experience undergraduate students and project mentors? 

    1. Do you have ideas for programming our offices can offer that supports project mentors (graduate students, faculty, or staff mentors)? 

    1. Are there any related topics or ideas on your mind? 




    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at