Technology and Computing

  • Access to IT Services after Graduation

    Over the course of your student career, you have been able to access several online services, systems, software, and applications supported by the university.  Once you leave UConn, your access to these IT services will change. (If you are staying at UConn in another role, this does not apply to you.)

    NetID Deactivation for May Graduates: 09/11/2023
    When your NetID is deactivated, you will lose access to HuskyCT, Nexus, library databases, OneDrive, UConn’s secure Wi-Fi network, and any university-provided software you downloaded with your NetID credentials, including Microsoft 365.

    If you have any files stored in these services, transfer them to a personal storage device or service to avoid losing access to your data.  These files will not be accessible after your NetID is deactivated.

    UConn Gmail and Google Drive
    Due to changing licensing terms with Google, access to Google Workspace may be limited in the future. Therefore, we strongly recommend moving any important files or emails to personal storage.

    PeopleSoft Student Administration System (Student Admin)
    You will be able to access your records (e.g., transcripts) in Student Admin as a UConn alumni with your NetID credentials. Duo 2FA will no longer be required to authenticate your login.

    Tech Support
    For help migrating your data or further information on this transition, contact the Technology Support Center.

    Call: 860-486-4357

    For more information, contact: Technology Support Center at