Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • New Coordinator for Student Support Services

    Please join me in welcoming Hannah Halloran to the Dean of Students Office team. Hannah started at UConn on April 21, 2023 in the role of Coordinator for Student Support Services and Bystander Initiatives. The creation of this position stems from the recommendations of the President’s Task Force on Combating Sexual Violence and Supporting Our Students. In this role, Hannah will work to expand, develop and oversee peer-led trainings and programs across all campuses and provide support to victim-survivors and respondents.

    Hannah is a two time graduate of UConn, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Development and Family Studies and a Master of Social Work with a concentration of Policy Practice and a focused area of study on violence prevention in families and communities. Hannah returns to UConn after serving as the Project Director at the University of Bridgeport. In this role, she was focused on educational initiatives aimed to educate the community on Title IX, healthy relationships, consent and bystander intervention with a focus on prevention education. Prior to that Hannah interned at Naugatuck Valley Community College and the Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund focusing on best practices for violence prevention and education of college students on intimate partner violence. Hannah is a licensed Master Social Worker and holds certifications in Mental Health First Aid, Title IX Coordinator Foundations (ATIXA) and as a Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Advocate.

    We are excited to have Hannah join our team and look forward to the many ways she will work with our campus partners and students to advance the work initiated by the task force. Please join me in welcoming Hannah back to UConn.  

    For more information, contact: Maureen Armstrong/Dean of Students Office at