Research, Funding, and Awards

  • SSW Faculty Marlene Matarese Receives Fulbright

    Dr. Marlene Matarese has been selected for the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Award for Fall of 2023. She will be hosted in Ireland by the University of Galway, School of Political Science and Sociology, Social Work Programme. Dr. Matarese will lead a research project on foster care experiences of LGBTQ+ youth who have transition out of care from September 2023 through April 2024. The project, Exploration of LGBTQ+ Young Adults’ Experiences in Ireland’s Child Welfare System: Building a Foundation of LGBTQ+ Culturally Responsive Care is a first examination of this pressing issue. Additionally, as visiting faculty, she will review social work practice curricula to embed LGBTQ+ content throughout, mentor students, and lecture across the region. 


    For more information, contact: Michelle Boardman at