Additional UConn Information

  • Faculty/Staff UGRD Advising Self-Study Invitation

    UConn is conducting an important self-study to evaluate and improve undergraduate academic advising.

    We want your feedback! If you are a faculty or staff advisor to undergraduates at any UConn campus, please complete this survey of your experiences with academic advising here at UConn. The findings will help us improve the academic advising experience for both advisors and students.  

    Please consider participating in this survey so we can understand how you, as a faculty or staff advisor, describe academic advising at UConn, your interactions with advisees, and your perceptions of the effectiveness of those interactions.   

    We invite you to participate in this survey, which should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.  

    Click here to take the survey.

    All individual responses remain anonymous, as no contact information will be collected or connected to survey responses. Your participation is voluntary.

    Findings from this study will be shared with academic advising leaders at UConn to advance the institution’s understanding of student and advisor perceptions related to academic advising. 

    Best Regards, 

    Erin Ciarimboli, Ph.D.
    Director of Undergraduate Advising
    University of Connecticut


    Frequently Asked Questions 

    Q:  Who is conducting the study? 
    A:  UConn’s Office of Undergraduate Advising is conducting an assessment of academic advising overseen by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, the “premier global association for the development and dissemination of innovative theory, research, and practice of academic advising in higher education.” The survey is administered by the NACADA Center for Research at Kansas State University in collaboration with the College of Education at Kansas State University. You can learn more about the organization at 

    Q: How will my answers be used? 
    A: The aggregated results will be used to inform academic advising leaders at UConn as they explore all aspects of academic advising and will be presented in both numeric and graphical findings and reports. Narrative text (quotes and phrases) will be used to add depth to the analysis of the results, but no identifying information will ever be used.  

    Q: Who will see my responses? 
    A: Privacy is of the utmost concern and all respondents’ data will be anonymously collected. Any potential identifiers in the qualitative responses will be “cleaned” as the first step in analysis. Only certified researchers at UConn and NACADA will have access to survey responses, and only for the purpose of protecting those that may be specifically mentioned in a response.

    Q: Who can I contact with questions or concerns?  

    A: For questions about the study itself, please contact Dr. Erin Ciarimboli, Director of Undergraduate Advising,; 860-486-9500

    For information about the survey instrument itself, contact Dr. Wendy Troxel ( or 785-532-5127) at the NACADA Center for Research at Kansas State University.

    If you have concerns about your rights as a participant, please contact UConn IRB, or 860-486-8802.

    UConn IRB Protocol X23-0178 Approved 4.10.2023

    For more information, contact: Erin Ciarimboli at