Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Innovative Child Welfare Workforce Practice Change

    Greeno, E.J., Gould-Kabler, C., Bowman, S., Strubler, K., & Harburger, D.S. (2023). Enhanced-Youth Transition Planning: An innovative practice change with transition-age youth involved with child welfare in a rural setting. Children and Youth Services Review,

    Download and read Innovation Institute's article on Enhanced-Youth Transition Planning (E-YTP), an innovative child welfare workforce practice change for transition-age youth (TAY) involved with child welfare services from five rural jurisdictions in the State of Maryland. We describe the practice change from services as usual for TAY, including training and coaching needs for the child welfare workforce. This study presents quantitative and qualitative data assessing the impact of the E-YTP practice change on the workforce. A total of 36 supervisors and foster care workers participated in the study. The Professional Quality of Life and Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey were given to the workforce at four time over a four year period. Findings suggest an increase in burnout and secondary traumatic stress (for the PQL) and an increase in emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment (for the MBI-HS). Focus group and interview findings suggest that the workforce endorses E-YTP. The workforce felt that the practice change made their work with TAY feel more meaningful, was a necessary practice change for TAY, and that E-YTP worked well in preparing youth for a successful exit from child welfare. We discuss implications for workforce practice changes with TAY in a rural setting, adaptations for the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need for ongoing supervision and coaching for the workforce.

    For more information, contact: Michelle L Boardman at