Training and Professional Development

  • Primary Care and Interprofessionality CMEs (free)

    Primary Care Career Advising and Interprofessionality CMEs

    Provided by CT AHEC and the UConn School of Medicine Office of Community and Continuing Medical Education

    Click link(s) below to begin either or both online CMEs!

    Primary Care Career Advising and Mentoring Program

    This course is designed to give the participant guidance on how to use the PCCAMP website for successfully engaging in student-centered career advising and mentoring. Earn 1.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™  for free.

    Learning Objectives (Participants will):

    • Recognize appropriate communication skills to use in interacting with a student during advising and mentoring interactions.
    • Utilize mentoring strategies to enhance interaction with students interested in primary care.
    • Implement a student-centered approach to advising students through the decision process for selection of specialty.

    Target Audience: Health care professionals, including physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, will acquire tools and information to assist in providing student-centered care advisement and mentoring. The learning module will provide knowledge on career advising and mentoring, while demonstrating how the PCCAMP online tool can support the clinician.

    Program Duration: July 1, 2022 to June 20, 2025

    Estimated Time for Completion: 1 hour and 20 minutes

    Interprofessionality: Teaching Team-Based Care

    The Interprofessionality online course is designed for preceptors of health professions students. The course has as its mission to provide preceptors with the knowledge and tools to incorporate interprofessional education into the learning experience of the students. Earn 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™  for free.

    Learning Objectives (Participants will):

    • Develop skills that incorporate team-based care into preceptor role.
    • Improve students’ understanding of system-based care and the roles and responsibilities of other health professionals and external agencies.
    • Enhance ability to demonstrate interprofessional care in office while precepting health profession students.
    • Identify strategies for implementing interprofessional education into your practice.
    • Examine the importance of interprofessionality and team-based care in the current health care environment.

    Target Audience: Health care professionals, including physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, who precept health profession students in the clinical setting.

    Program Duration: September 15, 2020 to September 15, 2023

    Estimated Time for Completion: 1 hour


    For more information, contact: Ellen Ravens-Seger/CT AHEC at 860-679-7969