Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/28 MCB Seminar Series: Dr. Steven DeLuca

    MCB Seminar Series: Dr. Steven DeLuca

    Tuesday, March 28, 2023
    3:30pm – 4:30pm

    BPB 131

    Dr. Steven DeLuca Assistant Professor of Biology, Brandeis University

    Hosted by Dr. Stacey Hanlon

    "Regulation of Developmental gene silencing revealed by an ancient cell lineage."

    Dr. DeLuca will describe how a post-translational modification called SUMO regulates when (in development) and where (in the genome) silencing proteins concentrate onto their target genes.

    Dr. DeLuca considers himself a developmental geneticist. As a grad student with Pat O’Farrell at UCSF, DeLuca figured out how maternal mitochondrial DNA inheritance works by making mitochondrial mutants and studying their transmission through the male germline. As a postdoc with Allan Spradling at the Carnegie Institute, he developed a new model system for studying the developmental onset of gene silencing and found silencing initiation is primarily regulated by a scaffolding protein called Scm. Dr. DeLuca started his own lab at Brandeis in 2022.

    View his publication and his website

    For more information, contact: Ashley Landon at