Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Adjunct Faculty, Higher Ed & Student Affairs

    The Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) master’s program seeks academically and professionally qualified instructors to teach the following courses during the Fall 2023 term: 

    EDLR 5092.020: Fostering the Scholar-Practitioner Identity in Student Affairs

    1 credit

    This course serves as a space for first year HESA students to become familiar with the principles and expectations of the HESA program, graduate coursework, and the practice of higher education and student affairs educators. Students will build relationships with the other members of their cohort in order to foster a community of reflective practitioners that supports and challenges their learning. They will also explore opportunities to integrate scholarship with their professional practice, and to establish plans related to the knowledge, awareness and skills they hope to gain before completing the HESA program.

    This course is currently scheduled for in-person select Tuesdays (a total of 11 during the term) 10:30am - 12:00pm. 


    EDLR 5105: Structured Dialogue in Student Affairs

    3 credits

    Explores basic approaches to intragroup and intergroup dynamics and implications for personal and educational development of students and student affairs professionals.

    This course is currently scheduled for in-person on Mondays 5:00pm - 7:30pm. 


    EDLR 5126: Inclusion and Equity in Higher Education and Student Affairs 

    3 credits

    The purpose of this course is to expose students to critically explore issues of inclusion and equity in higher education and student affairs inclusive of the role of social and historical contexts, the roles individuals (agents) who work in colleges and universities (i.e., faculty and administrators) play in achieving or thwarting inclusion and equity, and our personal and collective responsibility in creating inclusive and equitable college environments.

    This course is currently scheduled for in-person Mondays 3:35pm - 6:05pm.

    • Pay rate

      • Stipend: $1,888 per credit ($1,888 for EDLR 5092, $5,664 for EDLR 5105 or 5126)

    • Anticipated hours per week

      • 2-3 hours per credit

    • Appointment term: August 28, 2023 - December 20, 2023

    • Qualifications

      • Required:

        • Master’s degree in higher education, student affairs administration, or related field

        • Experience in higher education administrative positions relevant to the course taught

        • Teaching experience at the college level

      • Preferred:

        • Terminal degree (Ed.D., Ph.D.) 

        • Experience teaching at the graduate level

        • For 5092: Experience supervising or advising master’s students enrolled in a higher education preparation program

        • For 5105: Experience with and knowledge of intergroup dialogue 

        • For 5126: Experience with and knowledge of issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education 

    To apply please send your CV and 1-page cover letter indicating your interest and qualifications to teach one or more of the available courses to Dr. H. Kenny Nienhusser, Higher Education and Student Affairs Program Coordinator, at Priority deadline is March 22, 2023. 

    For more information, contact: H. Kenny Nienhusser at