Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 2/17 Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day

    How will you spread kindness today?

    February 17th 2023 is Random Acts of Kindness Day.

    Here's a few ideas on how to to be kind today:

    • Be a good listener - put away your phone and listen with your heart
    • Share your favorite book with someone
    • Leaves snacks for delivery drivers
    • Give up your seat
    • Be kind to yourself
    • Open doors for others
    • Leave a generous tip
    • Have a judgement free day
    • Cook for someone going through a difficult time
    • Write positive messages on sticky notes and leave for others to find
    • Compliment with reckless abandon
    • Give an unexpected gift
    • Leave quarters at the laundromat, a vending machine or in your grocery cart at Aldi
    • Say something positive about yourself
    • Make Kindness the Norm
    • SMILE


    For more information, contact: HR - Engagement & Wellness Unit at