Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • February Wellness Events & Resources

    February 1st marked the beginning of American Heart Health Month. Human Resources Engagement and Wellness team has compiled a variety of programming options, including webinars, events with UConn Rec, informational pamphlets, and events and resources to honor Black History Month and suggestions for taking time to show kindness to others in our community. Please visit the Work/Life - Health & Wellness page ( to view the below programming.

    • Register for UConn Recreation's Road Dogs Training Teamby March 3rd to participate in the Middletown 6.2-Mile Road Race on April 2nd
      • Road Dogs is a community of runners that will get you ready to meet your race day goals. Whether you are new to running and looking to tackle your first long distance race or you are a seasoned runner, our group will offer something to benefit all levels and abilities. Fun, camaraderie, and motivation will always be our focus.
    • Register and attend the Become More Heart Smart webinar on February 23rd
    • Register to view the recording of the Effective Stress Management Webinar
    • Find out How Healthy Is Your Heart through a virtual Heart Assessment through HEARTaware
    • Attend a Black History Month event or visit one of the many UConn resources
    • Get your Heart Rate up and complete the virtual On-Demand Low-Impact Cardio workout with UConn Recreation
    • Share a random act of kindness your've received by emailing and you may be spotlighted on HR's instagram page @UConnHR
    • Spread kindness to your colleagues during Random Act of Kindness Week by sharing a Kindness Award Certificate, playing Kindness tag in your office, or sending praise on Microsoft Teams. All of these resources can be found at :


    For more information, contact: HR - Engagement & Wellness at