Student Activities

  • Help School Psych Students & Get Free Childcare

    This semester school psychology graduate students are learning assessment skills. They need to practice administering cognitive tests (commonly known as IQ tests) to ensure their own accuracy before giving the tests in schools.

    School psychology graduate students are looking for volunteers to practice giving the test. We are looking for children between ages 6 – 16 years. Testing lasts approximately 2-3 hours, and the graduate student would be happy to extend that time to provide additional free childcare depending on your needs. The graduate student will arrange a mutually convenient time and location

    The graduate trainee will protect your child’s confidential information. The results are not valid or meaningful because we are just beginning our training. Most kids enjoy the tests and find them engaging. The graduate student will make sure to incorporate plenty of breaks and provide lots of encouragement. 

    If you or someone you know is interested please contact Brenna & Emily at to learn more. You may also contact the professor of the course Jackie Caemmerer at

    For more information, contact: Brenna & Emily at