Student Activities

  • 2/1 Internship and co-op opportunities for students

    Did you know when reviewing résumés and job applications of recent college grads, employers look for demonstrated experiential learning such as an internship, co-op, or research position? It's true, and if students are looking to learn more about experiential learning opportunities and how to find one, the Internship & Co-op Fair is for them!
    Students can come to the 3rd floor of the Student Union on Wednesday, February 1st, from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm and meet with employers recruiting for internships and co-ops over summer break and the Fall 2023 semester. Employers are looking for UConn students from all majors and geographic areas. Some positions are even remote. Students from all campuses, majors, and class years can benefit from the fair and are encouraged to attend.
    Please direct students to this link here to register and view attending employers.
    For more information, contact: Center for Career Development at 860-486-3013