Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Pass/Fail Policy Updates for Spring 2023

    Dear advisors, 

    We are writing to remind you of changes that were made to Pass/Fail (P/F) academic regulations in the UConn Senate Bylaws in April 2022, to be implemented for the 2022-23 academic year. These changes apply only to undergraduate students. 

    The two Senate-approved changes include: 

    • Students with fewer than 26 credits earned can now place one class on P/F per semester. Students who are on scholastic probation remain ineligible to place a class on P/F.  

    • All students are now restricted to one P/F course per semester.  
      Note: We understand there may be situations in which advisors may want to advocate for students who would have previously qualified (those who have earned 26 or more earned credits) to have an exception to this policy for the Spring 2023 semester only. In these cases, students should contact their Advising Directors/Deans for review/discussion.  

    As approved, the new Senate ByLaws read: 
    Pass-Fail Option. A student who is not on scholastic probation may elect a maximum of 12 credits (not including credits on P/F recorded in spring 2020) to be distributed over not more than one course per semester and three courses total, to be recorded as ‘P’ for Pass or ‘F’ for Fail on his or her permanent record. Courses taken Pass-Fail may only be used as electives; they may not be used to satisfy general education, school/college, major or minor requirements. Students who are selecting a course for the Pass-Fail option or want to convert a Pass-Fail back to a graded basis must do so by the eleventh week of the semester. Students who convert to a Pass-Fail and then revert the course back to a graded basis cannot again convert the course back to a Pass-Fail. Students seeking to put a course on Pass-Fail after the eleventh week of the semester must get approval from the student’s advisor and from the Dean or designee of the school or college in which the student is enrolled. Approvals are given only for extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control; poor academic performance is not an extenuating circumstance. For courses taught outside of the fall and spring semesters, these deadlines will be adjusted in a pro-rated fashion by the Registrar.  

    Changes to the bylaws can be found on the Senate webpage, and the full text of the bylaws can be found here 

    Any questions about the bylaw change should be directed to 


    Jeffrey Shoulson 
    Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs 

    For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at