In this installment of ISA’s Academic Career Series, three recent job seekers will share how they prepared for the academic interview process and the strategies they found most helpful. Lauren Sukin will address best practices for in-person, online, 1:1, and panel interviews, and will speak to her experience interviewing at various institutions, including U.S.-based R1s, SLACs, and military academies, as well as U.K. institutions. John Emery will focus on tips for the psychology of job talks and the Q&A portion as well as how best to do your homework on the faculty at their prospective institution. He will also discuss strategies for zoom vs. on campus interviews and how to prepare for each. Mary Anne Mendoza will round out the session by addressing how to approach the Teaching Demonstration portion of a campus visit. Click here for session details and registration.
For more information, contact: Joel J. Lorenzatti at