Teaching in the Age of ChatGPT: A Discussion about Generative AI, Writing, and Pedagogy
February 1, 9:30am - 10:30am
Homer Babbidge Library Room 1102 and online/WebEx
Now that ChatGPT and other natural language generators have quite rapidly entered the mainstream, they’re triggering all manner of questions about teaching, learning, and ethics. Some are urgent—what course policies and practices should I consider implementing this semester?—and some philosophical—how might these technologies disrupt some bedrock assumptions about academic integrity, about teaching and learning, about thinking and language, about the purposes of higher education? Bring your own questions to what we expect to be a lively conversation. Coffee will be served.
Convened by Tom Deans (English; UConn Writing Center), Arash Esmaili Zaghi (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Yohei Igarashi (English; Humanities Institute), and Kyle Booten (English). Organized by the Humanities Institute’s Digital Humanities and Media Studies Initiative, the Writing Center, and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Register - https://fins.uconn.edu/secure_inst/workshops/workshop_view.php?ser=2753
For more information, contact: Writing Center at writingcenter@uconn.edu