Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 1/19 Geopolitics, Religion and Soft Power

    The Religion and IR section book talk series on discussing scholarship at the intersection of religion and international politics. Each session will present a book or publication from the last two years that touches on the relationship between religion and politics from a comparative and international perspective. Its goal is to foster greater exchange between scholars of religion and politics and scholars of international relation theory.

    Since Joseph Nye introduced the concept of soft power in 1990 , there has been a growing interest, especially after 9/11 to address the reality and dimensions of religious soft power. This session will discuss the work of Jeffrey Haynes, Peter Mandaville, Peter Henne in conversation with Jocelyn Cesari, and Ahmet Ozturk.

    Learn more and register here:

    For more information, contact: Joel J. Lorenzatti at