Additional UConn Information

  • Community Needs Assessment

    The UConn Office of Outreach and Engagement invites you to participate in a regional group listening session to help shape a Community Needs Assessment. This assessment will help to focus university outreach on areas and organizations in need, as well giving community organizations further tools to apply for aid or funding.

    Those who participate will convene virtually over Zoom at the dates listed below, by UConn regional campus. Sessions will take roughly 1 hour, consisting of small and full-group discussions on possible areas of focus for the assessment, as well as what criterion should be prioritized when the assessment team makes a final determination. Community voices will drive every step of this decision-making, so please consider participating and make your own voice heard!

    If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at

    To RSVP or read more, please select the RSVP link corresponding to your regional campus.

    1. Avery Point              9:00AM           1/24
    2. Extension                9:00AM           1/25
    3. UConn Hartford        12:00PM         1/25
    4. UConn Health         9 :00AM           1/26        
    5. UConn Law             9 :00AM           1/27
    6. Stamford                 12:00PM         1/27   
    7. Storrs                     3:00PM           1/27
    8. Waterbury               9:00AM           1/31
    For more information, contact: Office of Outreach & Engagement at