Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 6/16 Cornovus Pharmaceuticals: a UConn Ventures Company

    Cornovus Pharmaceuticals: Novel Treatment for Heart Failure

    Sponsored by the BioscienceClubhouseCT, CURE – The Bioscience Network of CT

    Despite the fact that heart failure is as common and deadly as cancer, there have been no major advances in pharmaceutical treatment since the 1990s. Typical drugs include diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and beta-blockers, most of which are now generic.  As a result of the work of Dr. Bruce Liang  at the UConn Health Center, in collaboration with the NIH, the small molecule MRS2339 was discovered to be a stable purinergic P2X class agonist that has shown outstanding cardio-protective effects in a variety of animal models of heart failure.

    Cornovus Pharmaceuticals was formed under the umbrella of UConn Ventures. With funding from the UConn Prototype Fund, the company was able to complete key preclinical efficacy studies. Funding from the Connecticut Innovations Pre-Seed Fund allowed Cornovus to test MRS2339 in a range of safety tests, to de-risk the compound for further fund raising. An angel investor has kicked off a Series A round and the company has now started preparations to meet with the FDA to discuss its plans to file an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to support the initiation of Phase 1 clinical testing.

    Join us at this Clubhouse event to hear about the unique story of Cornovus Pharmaceuticals.

    Speakers: Dr. Julie A. Olson, Ph. D., Cornovus’ CEO, and Dr. James Heym, Ph.D.,  Senior Director, Life Sciences Ventures, UConn Ventures

    Location: UConn Cell and Genome Sciences, Demo Room and Cafe - 400 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT

    Date: Monday, June 16

    Time: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

    Pizza, beer and other refreshments will be provided!

    For details and RSVP, please go to:

    Submitted by: Technology, Partnerships & Licensing Program, Office of the Vice President for Research

    For carpooling to UCHC Farmington, please contact:

    For more information, contact: Technology, Partnerships, and Licensing at