Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 12/13 Healthy Mind Toolkit Webinar

    Today, Tuesday December 13th, 12pm - 1:00pm

    Many people become more concerned about meeting other people’s needs and expectations at the cost of neglecting their own. It is important to remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup and that taking care of yourself by managing your own health and energy is an essential part of living a happy life.

    This empowering session will help you learn coping strategies for dealing with adversity in a constructive way and develop structured mechanisms for building better mental health.

    • Learn how to optimize levels of mental health.

    • Identify ways to manage adversity and change.

    • Learn practical stress management strategies.

    • Develop structured mechanisms for building better mental health.

    Register for Healthy Mind Toolkit - Boosting Your Mental Health Webinar at:

     After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

    For more December well-being programs provided by Human Resources, visit the link below: 



    For more information, contact: HR - Employee Engagement & Wellness at