Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 12/13 Dramatic Arts Design/Tech Exhibition Gallery

    Design and Technical Theatre warmly invites you to join us for the fall BFA and MFA Semester Review Exhibition Gallery!  

    We are thrilled to extend the invitation to either or both of the lunchtime sessions in the Katter Theatre and Production Facility. Dates and times are listed below:

    Graduate Student open gallery hours: Tuesday 12/13 12:00-1:30 PM

    Undergraduate Student open gallery hours: Wednesday 12/14 12:00-1:30 PM

    For many years the Semester Review Exhibition has been a cornerstone of the Design/Technology/Puppet Arts pedagogy. In recent years we embarked on an upgrade for the venue and presentation support for the student exhibitors. Our aim in providing this framework is to construct an equitable experience that provides all exhibitors ample space to significantly showcase their body of work. 

    This upgrade is designed to benefit our students in several ways at the same time: it celebrates student work, simulates future industry presentations, provides a space to network across the university and industry, and through individualized sessions, creates a forum to check in with each student in our program. We hope you will join us!



    For more information, contact: Alexander Woodward at