Special Events and Receptions

  • 12/9 Climate Change Cafe

    The Office of Sustainability invites you to the annual Climate Change Café! Come hear about the experiences of UConn students who attended the United Nations' COP27 Climate Negotiations, and learn more about the Fall 2021 Environmental and Social Sustainability Small Grants Program recipients and their projects! We also have students from ANTH1010 sharing their climate change research.

    Where: Student Union 304

    When: 4-6pm on Friday, December 9th

    Why: Learn about climate change on local and global scales and talk with students making a difference.

    Refreshments provided.



    14 students were selected to attend the United Nations’ COP27 global climate change conference in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt a few weeks ago. Fellows will be sharing their lessons and experiences as official observers of the climate negotiations, educational panels, and even personal discussions with John Kerry.


    Environmental and Social Sustainability Small Grants

    Five student/faculty teams were granted funds this past winter to tackle sustainability projects on UConn campuses. Learn about their projects and findings from local farm procurement, opening the UConn Swap Shop, building an ADA composting privy and more.


    ANTH 1010 – Global Climate Change & Human Societies

    Students will be sharing their research posters on specific aspects of Climate Change ranging from emissions, environmental racism, green transportation, endangered species, denialism, and so much more. You can also catch these on December 7th in McHugh from 11:15a-12:05p.

    For more information, contact: Betsy Mortensen at betsy.mortensen@uconn.edu