Student Activities

  • Summer 2022 Experiential Learning Survey Request

    Do you know students who participated in a Summer 2022 internship, research opportunity, or similar activity? If you are faculty, do you have an internship class? If yes to either question, please encourage them to complete the Center for Career Development's Experiential Learning Survey, to document their experience.

    The Center is always looking for ways to improve our services for students, and this survey will help us to implement meaningful opportunities and events for them. Bonus for academic departments-we can share the results back with you, so you have this information when students ask where others in their majors have interned! The link is below and will be active through the end of the year.

    Reach out to Beth Settje with questions or to discuss internship opportunities for your students.

    Link to the survey: 


    For more information, contact: Beth Settje at