Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/11 Geography Colloquium: Dr. Susan Cutter

    Join us for our next colloquium event with distinguished and renowned speaker Dr. Susan Cutter!


    Speaker: Dr Susan Cutter, Director of the Hazards Vulnerability & Resilience Institute, University of South Carolina


    Title: Disaster Resilience and Inequality: Making Squishy Real



    This presentation examines the evidentiary basis for equitable risk reduction in an era of increasing risk inequality. Changes in the nature of hazards and their management have created a new normal of extreme events, increasingly complex and cascading hazards and fostered persistent disaster inequalities. Recognizing such inequalities is not the same as showing proof of them and integrating the empirically based evidence into practice and policy. Examples from South Carolina’s recent disaster experience illustrates how to translate and integrate research into disaster recovery and resilience practice at local, state, and federal levels.

    Date, Time, Location: Friday, November 11th | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM | AUST 105

    For more information, contact: Katie Lamb at