Training and Professional Development

  • 11/15 Flexible Learning Environments: A Conversation

    Service Learning and Flexible Learning Environments: A Conversation
    Tuesday, November 15, 2:30-3:30
    Location: GENT 232
    Facilitators: Desmond McCaffrey and Julia Yakovich

    - Direct market to SL Fellows
    - Direct market to Online Faculty

    Join your colleagues in a conversation to explore new ideas and possibilities for service learning in flexible learning environments. In the last three years all faculty have had to revisit their teaching practices to adjust to the COVID-19 and Post-COVID world. A positive outcome of this change is the opportunity to use new skills and teaching perspectives to re-engage with our students in new, flexible ways. Desmond McCaffrey, Director of UConn Online and Julia Yakovich, Director of Service Learning, will lead this conversational brainstorming session about the possibilities for service learning in online and flexible learning environments. 

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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at