Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/12 Psychology Colloquium Teaching Open Forum

    Hello everyone,

    The next psychology colloquium is scheduled for Wednesday October 12th at 3:30pm at BOUS A106. We will have a Teaching Open Forum intended for all faculty and graduate students. This will be an open forum with a few presentations on best practices in a post-pandemic era, with ample opportunity for all to share their thoughts on best practices, including testing, posting of lectures, classroom discussion. Also there will be a presentation about NEXUS and how it could be used to access class demographic information as well as a convenient platform for scheduling student appointments. We hope that you will join us!


    The remaining colloquium scheduled is listed below. All talks will take place online at 3:30pm on Wednesdays unless otherwise noted.

    October 26th, 2022
    Panel Discussion on Academic Diversity and Equity

    Office of University Compliance, Ombuds Office, Graduate School, Office of Institutional Equity of University of Connecticut

    November 2nd, 2022
    Dr. Toni Schmader

    Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia


    November 30th, 2022
    Dr. Steven Roberts

    Department of Psychology, Stanford University


    For more information, contact: Merrisa Lin at