Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 10/13 Work/Life Expo & Flu Clinic


    On Thursday, October 13, 2022, UConn will hold its 15th annual Work/Life Expo for our employees in celebration of National Work and Family Month.  We urge all UConn employees to attend the National Work & Family Month events, including the Work/Life Expo. The Expo and other events will have personal and professional resources and information that employees will beneļ¬t from throughout the year.

    The Work/Life Expo is on Thursday, October 13, from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom on the Storrs campus.

    In addition to the vendor information and resources, employees will be able to participate in a flu shot clinic from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Student Union, Room 304. Employees must bring their medical insurance card.

    The last few years has been a reminder to all, of the need to sustain our own wellness and the wellness of those around us. The need for resources and information around work and life topics, from a holistic and sustainable approach - such as personal growth, mental & emotional, family and community, financial, physical, inclusive & belonging, environmental and UConn support are more in need than ever. 

    Our Work/Life Month & Expo theme this year is Sustainable Wellness. One’s wellness begins by looking within and is often influenced by external factors in our environment and society.  We define sustainable wellness as one’s ability to maintain their personal well-being and aligning values with ways that influence the preservation of the environment and society as a whole.  Wellness is sustained when our environment and community support the individual.

    For questions regarding Work/Life Month or the Expo, email

    For more information, contact: HR - Employee Engagement & Wellness at