Facilities and Transportation

  • Stage II Water Supply Watch Rescind Notice

    Dear UConn Water System Users:

    The University of Connecticut is lifting the Stage II Water Supply Watch that was issued when area streamflows were reduced by seasonally dry conditions. We remain in a Stage IA Water Supply Advisory and request continued voluntary water conservation.  The recent rainfall has partially restored streamflow in the rivers near our wellfields. However, streamflows have not fully recovered to what is expected this time of year.  We expect to remain in a period of water conservation until we’re confident that streamflows will be sustained.

    We are asking our students, faculty, and staff users to be conscientious of their daily water use and to conserve water voluntarily by:

    • Take short showers. Turn off the water flow while soaping or shampooing.
    • Use the appropriate water level or load size selection on the washing machine.
    • Use water only as needed when washing dishes, shaving, and brushing teeth. Don’t let the faucet run unnecessarily.
    • Run dishwashers only when completely full.
    • Public water should not be used to wash building exteriors, driveways, sidewalks or vehicles.
    • Reconsider pouring water down the drain when there may be another use for it -such as watering a plant or garden.
    • Immediately report any leaky fixtures in UConn buildings to Facilities Operations (486-3113).

    Thank you for your support and cooperation throughout our period of water conservation. Even though we are rescinding the Stage II Water Supply Watch, we remain in a Stage IA Water Supply Advisory. We encourage you to continue conserving water. UConn is actively monitoring conditions and will continue to provide updates as conditions change. 

    For more information, contact: Stanley Nolan/Director of Utility Operations and Energy Management at 860-486-3208/stanley.nolan@uconn.edu