Training and Professional Development

  • TODAY: How to Give Difficult Feedback Webinar

    Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 12:00pm – 1:00pm, Microsoft Teams

    Join us for this informative and helpful webinar, presented by Deer Oaks EAP. While managers and supervisors may find this webinar helpful, any employee can benefit from acquiring tactics for giving feedback.

    Successful leaders have the ability to skillfully discuss difficult or stressful topics with their employees. This important session provides several practical strategies for having these challenging conversations more effectively including building connections with employees, being more collaborative in our approach, and handling disagreement respectfully.

    Presented by Deer Oaks EAP in collaboration with Human Resources as part of the September Well-Being Programs.


    For webinar details, visit the Human Resources Work/Life - Health & Wellness webpage 

    For more information, contact: Suzanne Rogoz, Human Resources at