Special Events and Receptions

  • 9/12 Coffee Chat w/ Matthew Jurenka - Software Engineer

    Presented by OPIM Innovate: 


    Speaker Bio: Matthew is a freelance software engineer that focuses on projects in the financial and cryptocurrency industry. He has been programming for around ten years as a hobbyist, and has previously been employed as a developer at Amazon and a tech lead at SolarSPELL. Becoming involved in the blockchain space has exposed Matthew to incredible experiences and propelled his career further than imagined. He plans on going over how blockchain is generally being used in the real world, what to be skeptical about and how it will impact out lives.



    Sign up here: https://nexus.uconn.edu/secure_per/events/event_registration.php?ser=5790&rc=4273377506

    For more information, contact: Jon Moore at jonathan.a.moore@uconn.edu