Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 9/12 UConn Festival Chorus Looking For Singers

    UCONN FESTIVAL CHORUS   -  MUSI 1111 sec 6    MB108

    The UConn Festival Chorus is a larger mixed chorus of approximately 50 singers comprised of UConn faculty, staff, and students as well as members of the Greater Storrs Community. The Festival Chorus is under the direction of Matthew Harrison and rehearses once per week on Monday evenings - 7:00pm-9:00pm.  This ensemble provides singers with the opportunity to be part of an outstanding community organization and to express themselves through the art of joyous choral singing. Some previous experience singing in a choir and music sight-reading is recommended but all interested singers are welcome and encouraged to be part of this outstanding choral organization. Festival Chorus may be taken for no credit for faculty, staff, and commuity members (with $35 membership dues each semester) or as a course with UConn credit for UConn students.  Please contact Mr. Harrison at for further information.  Interested community members please show up for the first rehearsal, Monday, September 12 at 6:30pm in rehearsal room MB 108 in the UConn Music Building.  

    For more information, contact: UConn Choral Office at