Training and Professional Development

  • 8/25 First Impressions, First Day of Class

    First Impressions, First Day of Class
    Presenter: Wayne Trembly, CETL- Faculty Development

    We will discuss making a positive first impression in all types of classes- in person, hybrid, and online."
    Participants will walk away with:
    Specific strategies for making a good first impression as well as specific strategies for conducting the first class in a manner that will draw students in and, hopefully, be motivated to do well in the class.

    We will discuss topics such as:

    • Preparing for the first class
    • How to begin- the very beginning
    • What to include, how to go about it
    • Introductions, yours and theirs…

    Thurs., August 25, 10:00-11:00
    Register -


    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at