Human Resources and Benefits

  • Provider of Distinction Checks Issued

    Effective April 1, 2022, employees who utilize providers identified in the Providers of Distinction Program for certain services, are automatically issued an incentive payment.  The first round of incentive payments was recently issued by Navia Benefit Solutions, a partner of Health Navigator, who administers the Provider of Distinction program for the State of Connecticut. 

     The following message should have accompanied the incentive payment:


    This check is for choosing a Provider of Distinction physician for your recent medical procedure. The State of Connecticut has identified doctors, hospitals and medical groups in the state that have verified high-quality outcomes for the most common medical conditions and procedures. Adverse events such as infections, injury and hospital readmission rates are reviewed annually. Over 180 providers are included, covering 20 common procedures.

    In the Providers of Distinction program, care is covered from evaluation through recovery. By holding each physician to high standards of care, the state health plan saves on long-term costs, and provides you a better experience. A check is automatically sent to you upon completion of your care.

    To view the list of covered procedures in this program and associated incentives, go to  For questions on how to find providers near you or to get answers about this program, call 1.866.611.8005.

    The message that accompanied recent incentive payments characterized the checks as a “wellness benefit” and misleadingly referenced an “Annual Election Amount of $10,000.”  This error caused employees to question the source and their eligibility for the payment.  Health Navigator should be sending out an apology letter with an explanation that the incentive payment was for the Providers of Distinction Program.  Employees may contact Health Navigator for additional information at 1.866.611.8005.

    For more information, contact: Health Navigator at 1.866.611.8005