Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Treatment Study for People with Aphasia

    • Enrolling: Treatment Study for People with Aphasia

      The Aphasia Rehab Lab of SLHS is conducting a semi-intensive treatment study for people with aphasia. The study utilized an evidenced based language treatment with some additional features to increase cognitive linguistic functioning.


      Please contact us if

      • You know an individual with aphasia
      • The stroke resulting in aphasia was greater than 6 months ago
      • The individual with aphasia is willing to participate in 9 hours of treatment per week for 4 weeks.


      The participant will be reimbursed $15/hr for testing, $25/day for at home recordings and $10/day for travel.


      Please contact Amanda Wadams, CCC-SLP by email at or by phone at (908) 448-6740


      Supervisor: Jennifer Mozeiko, PhD, CCC-SLP,

      UConn IRB Protocol H10-124 Approved February 24, 2022


    For more information, contact: Amanda Wadams/SLHS at