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  • Charley Dyson Retirement - College Benefits Group

    Charles E. Dyson

    Managing Partner, College Benefits Group, LLC

    In 1965, the University of Connecticut’s Vice President of Human Resources approached Charles Dyson to establish a first-of-its-kind voluntary life insurance plan for the faculty and staff of the growing university.

    Now, after fifty-seven years of serving the faculty and staff at UConn and other higher education institutions, Charley, our Managing Partner at College Benefits Group, retired on August 1, 2022.

    It's difficult to sum up such a long career of serving higher education, but with Charley it comes down to one important fact: Charley truly believed that the insurance products he sold could and did change people’s lives for the better.

    He has numerous stories of calling loved ones after someone passed to reassure them that they had nothing to worry about financially, because they now had the funds to pay bills and continue their standard of living.

    Charley will be missed at College Benefits Group, but not forgotten, because the enthusiasm he had and extra miles he would go for serving those most in need is his legacy and CBG’s continued standard for working with our clients.

    Charley’s business partner, Robert Minearo, is now managing partner and will continue the legacy Charley started.

    For more information, contact: Robert Minearo at