Additional UConn Information

  • Make a difference for a First Gen student

    Were you the first generation of your family to attend college? UConn defines a First Generation College Student as a student whose parents do not hold a baccalaureate degree. Designated as a First Gen Forward institution in 2019, UConn strives to help offer resources and engagement  to our current first gen community and you are a vital component. 

     Each semester, hundreds of first year First Generation College Students start their higher education journey  at UConn and would benefit from your experience. First Year Programs, Learning Communities, and the Academic Achievement Center would like to collect the names of faculty and staff across campus who identify as a First Generation College Student. Join the First Generation faculty, staff and graduate student community at UConn.   

    As we create outreach and support initiatives we may ask you for guidance and involvement. Please click on the link and complete the short form:

    Thank you in advance for your interest.

    For more information, contact: Pam Fischl at