Training and Professional Development

  • 8/16 Fostering Effective and Inclusive Group Work

    Fostering Effective and Inclusive Group Work
    Tuesday, August 16, 10:00-11:00
    ROWE 132
    Presenters: Erin Scanlon, Xian Wu, and Matt Guthrie

    Abstract: The purpose of this workshop is to provide recommendations about how to support students to engage in effective and equitable group work. These recommendations are based on physics education research literature and the experiences of the authors implementing group work in their courses. We suggest that instructors iteratively implement the strategies over time rather than implementing them all at once.
    Learning Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
    o Identify possible challenges experienced by instructors and students in supporting and engaging in group work.
    o Identify important factors to consider when designing courses with group work.
    o Implement at least one instructional strategy to support/structure group work in their course(s).

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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at