Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 8/4 MCB Dissertation Defense: Parvathi Madhavi Devarak

    Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
    University of Connecticut

    Announces the

    Oral Dissertation Defense for the Doctoral Degree

    Parvathi Madhavi Devarakonda
    M.S New Jersey Institute of Technology

    Role of cytoskeletal proteins in apicoplast vesicle trafficking and apicoplast division in Toxoplasma gondii

    August 4th 2022


    Password: Cpk3BjQXd95

    Major Advisor: Dr. Aoife Heaslip
    Associate Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Campellone
    Associate Advisor: Dr. Juliet Lee
    Examiner: Dr. Charles Giardina
    Examiner: Dr. Carolyn Teschke


    For more information, contact: Parvathi Devarakonda at