Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Citation Management Workshops

    Don't let citation management get the best of you! The summer is a great time to get a head start on the tools so you are ready to go in the fall. Workshops will be held throughout August on RefWorks and Zotero for beginners and power users. Not sure which is right for you? Give our quick introduction workshop a try first. 

    Introduction to Citation Management Tools

    August 9, 11-11:30am
    August 17, 2-2:30pm
    August 23, 11-11:30am

    Learn how citation management tools can improve your research and writing workflows. This introductory session will highlight common features of citation managers, such as organizing references and associated digital files, enabling annotation and sharing of references, and simplifying citing while writing. You'll also learn which citation management tools are supported by the UConn Library and how to select the one that best fits your needs.

    Register here


    RefWorks for New Users 

    August 10, 10-11am
    August 16, 10-11am
    August 24, 10-11am
    August 30, 10-11am

    Learn to manage your references with RefWorks, a web-based citation management tool. This introductory workshop covers:

    • Importing, viewing, and editing references
    • Navigating and organizing your library
    • Sharing references with colleagues
    • Creating bibliographies

    Register here

    RefWorks for Power Users 

    August 17, 1-2pm
    August 30, 1-2pm

    This advanced workshop covers:

    • Organizing your library using tags
    • Performing advanced searches of your library
    • Dealing with duplicate references
    • Creating, modifying, and sharing project libraries
    • Citing sources while writing in Microsoft Word

    Register here

    Zotero for New Users

    August 9, 10-11am
    August 16, 1-2pm
    August 23, 10-11am

    Learn to manage your references with Zotero, an open source citation management tool. This introductory workshop covers:

    • Setting up essential preferences
    • Importing, viewing, and editing references
    • Navigating and organizing your library
    • Creating bibliographies

    Register here


    Zotero for Power Users

    August 10, 1-2pm
    August 24, 1-2pm

    This advanced workshop covers:

    • Citing sources while writing in Microsoft Word
    • Organizing your library using tags
    • Performing advanced searches of your library
    • Dealing with duplicate references
    • Creating and sharing group libraries
    • Choosing plug-ins to enhance your Zotero experience

    Register here

    For more information, contact: Hilary Kraus at