Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 8/4 MCB Dissertation Defense: Todd Testerman

    Department of Molecular and Cell Biology

    University of Connecticut



    Announces the


    Oral Dissertation Defense for the Doctoral Degree


    Todd Testerman


    B.S. The Ohio State University


    Identifying the Sources and Reservoirs of Aquaculture Pathogens while Investigating Microbial Community Structure and Beneficial Microbes


    August 4th, 2022

    10:00 AM

    BPB 131


    Major Advisor: Joerg Graf

    Associate Advisor: Sarah Hird

    Associate Advisor: Jonathan Klassen

    Examiner: Spencer Nyholm

    Examiner: Daniel Bolnick


    Link to Dissertation

    Livestream Link

    For more information, contact: Todd Testerman at