Student Activities

  • 8/26 HuskyWOW Welcome Tables - Submit for a Spot

    Student Activities will once again be hosting their annual Welcome Tents event during HuskWOW and we are inviting you to host a table!  This is a great way to greet incoming freshman, returning students and their families as they move onto campus and provide them with answers to questions, materials and other information as they start their journey at UConn.

    Student Activities will be lining Fairfield Way with tables representing various departments and offices from on and around UConn’s campus Friday, August 26th and Saturday, August 27th from 10am-2:30pm.  

    If you are interested in having a table at any point of this event, please let us know!  Offices can have a table for just one day, both days, part of a day, whatever works best for you.  Our department, Student Activities, will provide the tables, setup, tear down, and light refreshments for your staff members who cover the tables.


    If you are interested in reserving a table, please contact us with the following information:


    Name of Department:

    Table for Friday and Saturday?

    Time length of time using table:

    Main Contact moving forward:


    We hope to hear from you and please let us know if you have any question!


    For more information, contact: Amanda Foxen at