Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Enrolling Participants in Media Usage Study

    Seeking parents and children in a study about media usage. This study is being done to better understand young children’s media usage and the marketing that appears when they watch videos on smartphones or tablets.

    Eligibility requirements:

    · You are a parent of a child who is 3 to 8 years old

    · Your child regularly watches YouTube videos on a tablet or smartphone 

    · You are willing to participate virtually for one hour together with your child at a time that works for you remotely, meeting with a researcher on our team via Zoom

     You will receive a $50 Amazon gift card for your time.

    Before scheduling a time for the study, we ask you to provide us some brief information about you, your child, and your child’s mobile device usage so that we can confirm eligibility. Please click here to answer a few questions or call 860-455-5796 to speak with Haley, a member of our research team, and answer the questions by phone.

    This study was approved by the IRB, Protocol #H21 -0140.

    For more information, contact: at 860-455-5796.