Training and Professional Development

  • TODAY - Leadership Skills for Non-Supervisor Staff

    Thursday, July 14th 12:00pm - 1:00pm

    Join Human Resources and Deer Oaks for a personal development opportunity perfect for all employees.

    All employees can be called on to lead others at one time or another. Whether it be taking the lead on a project or organizing a department function, the ability to lead and influence others is an important skill set.

    This session is designed to help individuals that are not currently in a supervisory role to enhance leadership skills such as building strong bonds with colleagues, collaborating effectively on tasks and projects, and resolving conflicts that arise.

    Join us to learn about the four aspects of emotional intelligence, the ability to cope with daily situations and understand how the emotional brain impact behavior.

    Presented by Deer Oaks EAP in collaboration with Human Resources as part of the July Well-Being Programs.

     For webinar details, visit the Human Resources Work/Life - Health & Wellness webpage 

    For more information, contact: Suzanne Rogoz, Human Resources at