Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Help Us Understand Autism - Enrolling Participants

    The ASD Long Term Outcomes Study at UConn is enrolling youth ages 12-18 with a
    documented or possible history of Autism Spectrum Disorder or a history of typical

    What’s involved? You’ll spend a few hours playing games and doing tasks involving
    language, memory, and problem-solving remotely. We will also invite a parent to answer
    some questions about you. Participants will also have an opportunity to participate in a
    brain imaging study on the UConn Storrs campus and we will provide a picture of your
    brain! We can also provide a report of test results.

    You will be compensated up to $120 for your time, and parents will receive $75.

    Contact us for more information: or (860) 486-3085. This research
    study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol #H17-093.

    For more information, contact: ALTOS at