Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • PSYC Retirees:Barnes-Farrell,Green,Swadlow,Valone

    The Department of Psychological Sciences will have several retirements in the next few weeks.  A celebration of these retirements was held in May for our faculty and staff, but we wish to let the larger UConn community share in our excitement for the next chapter in these individuals’ lives.

    Carol Valone has been our Business Services manager for over 30 years.  She has been much more than a valued employee, serving as a mentor, therapist, and friend to many faculty members and graduate students over the years.  Carol will be dearly missed.  Please email your remembrances and best wishes to

    Professor Janet Barnes-Farrell has been a faculty member in the department for more than 30 years.  She directed the Industrial-Organizational graduate program for much of that time while also garnering many awards, including the election of Fellow status in the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Sciences.  Janet also served as Associate Department Head for the last decade and strengthened our research programs as well as our mission at the regional campuses.  Please email her at

    Professor and Department Head Jim Green is retiring after 30 years at UConn and 11 years as Department Head.  He was Director of the Developmental Psychology graduate program for many years and also served  as Director of Undergraduate Studies in the late 1990’s.  Jim oversaw the construction of the Annex to the Bousfield Building, the creation of the Brain Imaging Research Center, and the hires of over 20 new faculty across the UConn campuses.  Please email your retirement wishes to

    Professor Harvey Swadlow came to UConn over 40 years ago and has been a prolific researcher and mentor in our Behavioral Neuroscience graduate program.  His research on the visual system and the brain correlates of sleep-wake cycles has changed the field.  Harvey’s research has been continuously funded by the National Institute of Health for over 30 years.  His keen mind and sense of fairness will be missed.  Please email Harvey at



    For more information, contact: Jackie Soroka at