Training and Professional Development

  • 6/16 Introduction to Writing a Diversity Statement...

    Introduction to writing a diversity statement for job portfolios
    Thursday, June 16, 10:00-11:00
    MCHU 109 and Online
    Presenters; Kay Gruder, Center for Career Development and Tina Huey, CETL –Faculty Development

    The thematic focus for this session is crafting a diversity statement for a job search or PTR review.

    Proposed Objectives
    • Discuss the diversity statement as a part of, or independent from, a broader teaching philosophy statement
    • Explore rubrics for reading a diversity statement
    • Begin drafting in response to prompts provided for reflection on diversity commitments
    • Share what is on your mind

    This session will NOT be recorded.

    The workshop will be facilitated by Kay Gruder (Center for Career Development) and Tina Huey (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning).

    Register -


    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at