Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 6/9 Helping Children Learn Mindfulness Webinar

    Thursday, June 9, 2022 12:00-12:30pm – 1:00pm

    Join us for another mindfulness session in this monthly series.

    The practice of mindfulness or full attention has been proven to be as beneficial for children than for adults.

    Childhood is the ideal stage to practice attention, so it can not only become a habit, but an attitude with which to face life as well.

    In this webinar, we will help families teach the necessary tools to children and teenagers so they can be conscious of their internal and external experiences. This will allow them to learn to identify their thoughts and emotions, and the impact they have on their bodies, allowing them to control their impulses, improve their emotional intelligence and well-being.

    Presented by Deer Oaks EAP in collaboration with Human Resources as part of the June Well-Being Programs.

    For webinar details, visit the Human Resources Work/Life - Health & Wellness webpage 

    For more information, contact: Suzanne Rogoz, Human Resources at