Human Resources and Benefits

  • 5/16 Moms4Moms Meeting with Chris Delello

    Moms4Moms is a group designed for mothers employed or enrolled at the University of Connecticut. This group was created for mothers seeking a network, community, and an inclusive space to talk about both the joys and hardships of motherhood. The groups’ mission/aim is to enlighten, empower, engage, and educate through shared experiences of M4M members, activities, and workshops.

    Our next meeting will be on Monday, May 16 at noon via Webex and we will be joined by Chris Delello, Chief Human Resources Officer.

    Should you have any questions that you would like for him to address, please submit them by May 15th, 2022. Please complete form here.


    Join from the meeting link

    Join by meeting number

    Meeting number (access code): 2624 213 9988

    Meeting password: GNdGxc2CH32

    For more information, contact: Trisha Hawthorne-Noble at