Facilities and Transportation

  • Seeking Input Active Transportation Plan

    Thank you to those who attended our second open meeting on April 27th to review our concepts for active transportation improvements to the Storrs Campus.

    For those unable to participate at that time, we invite you to visit updc.uconn.edu/atp to learn more about the Active Transportation Plan and view a recording of our Public Input Sessions and presentations.


    Please also visit our storymap at storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/a3f7f79a20f245509dc631d8a34a79af and share your comments about the concepts we have developed.


    We kindly request your feedback by May 15, 2022. Our third open meeting is planned for July and will be announced soon.

    For more information, contact: Eileen McHugh at eileen.mchugh@uconn.edu