Training and Professional Development

  • 4/11 Faculty Promotion, Tenure, & Reappointment Forum

    The Faculty Standards Committee of the University Senate is pleased to announce the upcoming forum regarding Faculty Promotion, Tenure & Reappointment to be held Friday, April 11th from 3:00–5:00 p.m. 
    The program will begin with a large group session in room 304A&B of the Student Union with Provost Choi outlining PTR procedures at the University of Connecticut. This large group meeting will be followed by breakout sessions led by Deans (or their designee) outlining the nuances of the PTR process specific to each school/college.  More information can be found at the following link:
    Refreshments will be served.  Reservations are not necessary.


    For more information, contact: Tammy Gifford in the University Senate Office at 860.486.2236 or